Thursday, September 29, 2011

Apathy Hangs its Hat

it's weird.
i feel really abjectly alone in the most unsettling way possible.

all the fires of interest and trust
extinguished by the languid apathy of those
whose tongues riddled constant fervor

only to leave me alone in the end
confused, pacing, undone.

do they really carry that belief that
if they look the other way long enough
what has been seen can be unseen

183 seconds departed
the girl who fell to earth
still dizzy from the landing
since others forgot the safety net

stilted conversations that dance around emotions
fearing their own reality
perhaps i'm their new mirror of measure
i'm shattered

yearn for one honest thing
action behavior emotion
to anchor myself back
shortchanged and forgotten

it's weird
it's strange
i feel really abjectly alone in the most unsettling way possible.

i know things that others won't
unless they ante up
maybe knowing all is a dangerous thing
i'm echoing in the hollowness

air in and out
breathing hardly
azure eyes that saw too much
filled with tears at what was seen

i'll never be the same again
but neither will they
aside in time
i'm alone.

chase allen

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